
Reducing our ecological footprint is closely knit with our goal. Since 2005, with every investment, we choose the best available technique in the area of energy efficiency.


Reducing our ecological footprint is closely knit with our goal. Since 2005, with every investment, we choose the best available technique in the area of energy efficiency.

In this, the same credo applies as when we deliver to our customers. Perhaps as far as the purchasing is concerned, a bit more expensive, but in the longer term always the cheapest solution.

Our approach is worth it! Today we do twice as much with the same amount of energy. For this, we invested in frequency controls, PLC control, replacement of compressors, lighting with automatic dimming, new light systems, central cooling systems with optimal energy efficiency depending on the outside temperature.

Already since 2008 we generate our own green electricity. Today we produce enough to cover our own consumption.